News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

Food for thought – Communitech

Edible insects and artificial intelligence – who ever thought they’d be a match made in tech-for-good heaven? Well, Sheldon Fernandez, CEO of Waterloo-based DarwinAI, and Mohammed Ashour, CEO of sustainable-food company Aspire Food Group, did. DarwinAI adapted its artificial intelligence…

D2L unveils new look for a new era

Online education company D2L is marking a year of big change with an updated visual identity, website and a brand story that emphasizes personalized, flexible and collaborative learning.  The Kitchener-based company, which began trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange in…

TechAlliance Challenges Innovators to Strengthen the Well-Being of Small Business 

TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario is launching the second London Innovation Challenge, a London Community Recovery Network project funded by the City of London, to accelerate and scale select London-developed solutions to address the recovery in areas of focus identified by the London community – Investing in People, Driving Prosperity and Fostering Community.  The second London Innovation…

Northern Commerce Named LGBT+ Business of the Year

Northern, an integrated digital solutions agency for brands navigating digital transformation, has been named the Business of the Year by CGLCC, Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce, as part of the 2021 Business Leadership Awards. The LGBT+ Business of the Year…

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