News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

i.d.e.a. Fund Wins Award

WETechAlliance accepted the Award on behalf of i.d.e.a. Fund partners at Technology Councils of North America’s Summer Conference in Seattle WETechAlliance and partners are thrilled to announce that the i.d.e.a. Fund has been recognized on the international stage,…

ScaleUP Cohort 7 Companies Announced

WINDSOR, ON (August 16, 2023) - WETechAlliance is excited to announce Cohort 7 of the award-winning ScaleUP accelerator program. The WEtech ScaleUP accelerator program, powered by Libro Credit Union and Invest WindsorEssex, is back for its seventh cohort with the…

Supporting community innovation – Communitech

Communitech loves to support the community (it’s right there in our name).  Our IT team recently donated slightly used surplus laptops to two worthy projects: a City of Kitchener program that uses music technology to help high school students with…

From Audio Books to AI

While Design Sound Productions keeps a fairly low profile in their hometown of Chatham, Ontario, they have the ears of one of Silicon Valley’s most prestigious tech firms. The audio publishing and production company, which was incorporated in 2014, produces…

Get Ready to Invest Your Business

Investment Readiness DayThe current investment landscape is challenging. Now, more than ever, startup founders need to have a smart investment strategy and be ready for the opportunity to connect with investors. Join us for our inaugural Investment Readiness Day to…

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