News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

5 Tips for Building a Better Website

5 Tips for Building a Better Website Are you scratching your head wondering why your website isn’t accomplishing what you want it to? Do you find that your website is getting traffic, but isn’t doing its job when converting leads…

Elevate Entrepreneurship, Incubator for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, and Women founders

TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario and Fanshawe College Corporate Training Solutions partnered to deliver a first-ever founder-focused experience supporting 60 Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC), and Women entrepreneurs to gain knowledge required to develop their business during disruptive times alongside…

Market Research: The 5 Pillars

While there are numerous methods for conducting market research, the majority of companies employ one or more of the following five: surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, observation, and field trials. Which tactics you use for your organization will be determined…

Blockchain for Startups: ValidCert, CBCSCA

You are here: Home / Blog / Blockchain for Startups: ValidCert, CBCSCA November 9, 2021altaccelerator What is "blockchain"? “A blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked together using cryptography.” Blockchain was developed in 2011 to…

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