News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

5 Tools Every Startup Needs

As a startup, your bottom line is stretched thin enough. What you need is powerhouse tools and platforms that can accelerate your growth without overextending your funding. In this article, we explore five free tools that will help you with…

Deep Dive: Intellectual Property | ventureLAB

This series provides an in-depth look at different types of intellectual property. As a founder, once you’ve determined what types of Intellectual Property (IP) you need to protect, it’s important to understand the details and requirements of each. A concrete…

Swidget: Switching things for several sectors

Posted in Blog, Ottawa Business Excellence Feb 11, 20221,294 words | 4.5 minutesA young Ottawa company is using its Internet of Things outlets, switches and sensors to revolutionize industries — from ag-tech to elder care.A product that is on the…

Introducing the Incoming Tech Undivided Cohort

After a rigorous application process, ventureLAB is pleased to announce the members of the incoming Tech Undivided Cohort. Launched in 2019 with support of a $1.7-million investment through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), Tech Undivided…

How to build more trust into data technology

If technological progress is to be socially just and democratic, data engineers will have to reach beyond their typical pathways of learning into the social sciences and humanities, says author and professor Wendy Chun. Chun was the keynote speaker in…

Investor First Impressions with Danielle Graham

Danielle Graham is an accomplished investor and consultant experienced in leading business transformation by designing and delivering innovative, long-term process improvements. We sat down with her to learn about the importance of making a good first impression with investors -…

Applied Research and Work Integrated Learning

Seneca College in collaboration with ventureLAB, will be hosting an interactive workshop to learn about two great programs, Applied Research and Work Integrated Learning.In the first part of the workshop, companies will learn about how they can accelerate innovation through…

Agilicus earns federal procurement opportunity

Kitchener-based Agilicus has landed a contract with the federal government that gives the cybersecurity startup a chance to demonstrate the value of its secure network-access technology. It’s a big win for the four-year-old startup. “You get validation of your approach,…

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