News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

Durham RTDS Is Connecting In Abu Dhabi

Representing the Durham Regional Technology Development Site (DRTDS), Spark Centre President and CEO, Sherry Colbourne, and Joel Nascimento, Founder of Kevares, recently travelled to Abu Dhabi to present at the first-ever Electric Vehicle Innovation Summit (EVIS) in the Gulf Region.…

Protecting Intellectual Property in Ontario

The Province of Ontario recently launched Intellectual Property Ontario (IPON), an agency meant to “… help the postsecondary education and research and innovation sectors generate, protect, manage and commercialize intellectual property (IP).”Laws and registration of IP such as patents, trademarks,…

Motif Labs Launches CBN Production

Motif Labs is pleased to announce the successful launch of a new production line, servicing Canada’s growing Cannabinol (CBN) market. Employing a proprietary process to produce high purity CBN at scale, wholesale and brand partners of Motif can now develop…

5 Things To Check Out On ventureLAB’s New Website

ventureLAB is looking a little different these days! If you have been to our website recently, you will see we’ve launched an entirely new website, making significant improvements in everything from our navigation, to our design, to our content.  What’s New:Startups…

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