News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

Bereskin & Parr: Looking Back at AI In 2021

Bereskin & Parr LLP is a leading Canadian full-service intellectual property law firm that provides various IP services including patents, trademarks, copyright, licensing, regulatory and website-related matters for clients across all industries around the world, ranging from small start-up operations and individual…

Spotlight Series: Women in Tech

This March, ventureLAB is spotlighting women founders in our community. These companies are breaking boundaries in everything from game-based financial literacy training and sustainable take-out systems to the next generation of solar cells and seamless access to tailored health services.…

ventureLAB Fosters Stronger Investor Connections for Underrepresented Founders through National, Virtual Networks

Leveraging learnings from virtual work environments, ventureLAB’s Capital Investment Program has gone national with creative new accessible formats to help overcome barriers to investment for underrepresented founders and foster stronger investor connections.The COVID-19 pandemic has driven founders and investors alike…

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