News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

The biggest tech trends of 2021

From crypto hitting the stratosphere to the new space race, here are the year’s standout developments in innovation. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY MONICA GUAN We’ve gained an uncomfortable familiarity with the Greek alphabet from COVID-19’s latest variants, our grocery bills have…

The Global Chip Shortage Will Lead to New IP

Thanks to the proliferation of the use of chips in consumer electronics and the global chip shortage, the terms “design for availability” and “design for procurement” have become part of the tech startup lexicon. Many early-stage startups working on product…

Big News for Hop In Technologies!

Congratulations to Spark Centre client Hop in Technologies on their acceptance into the Canadian Technology Accelerator Smart Cities Program for Mexico and Spain!  Hop In Technologies are one of ten selected Canadian companies that will be participating in the 15-week…

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