News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

Investir Ottawa et les cours Bayview célèbrent dix années d’innovation, de collaboration et de contributions comme communauté et pôle technologique mondial

Posted in News, Press Releases Jan 31, 2023 Ottawa (Ontario) – 31 janvier 2021 : L’écosystème d’innovation, de technologie et d’affaires d’Ottawa s’est réuni aujourd’hui au cœur de la capitale canadienne pour célébrer le dixième anniversaire d’Investir Ottawa, la principale agence de développement…

Easy rider – Communitech

Vic Fedeli got some hands-on experience with innovative transportation today as he glided through the Communitech Hub on a bright-yellow electric scooter. “This is cool!” said the provincial Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade as he brought the…

Tech Uncensored – What VC’s don’t tell you: Things you have always wanted to ask.

originally published: 2022-12-07 15:33:14 [showhide type=”transcription” more_text=”Show Transcription” less_text=”Hide Transcription”]Samie Husain (00:02)Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome back to Altitude Accelerators Tech uncensored live podcast stream through LinkedIn. My name is Sam Husain and I will be your host today. Today…

StrikeUP Canada is RETURNING MARCH 2, 2023!

Haltech Regional Innovation Centre is proud to partner with StrikeUP Canada as they return on Thursday March 2 with the StrikeUP 2023  FREE digital conference for women entrepreneurs. StrikeUP provides an opportunity to learn from globally-renowned Canadian women leaders who share a…

UWindsor secures $5M partnership with TELUS to propel 5G research and innovation in agriculture, advanced manufacturing and connected and autonomous vehicles

MEDIA RELEASE via TELUS Communications Inc WINDSOR, ON, January 25, 2023 – The University of Windsor (UWindsor) and TELUS today announced the launch of a 5G connected campus and commercial lab to support advanced research with 5G technology and establish…

Launch Lab Hiring One Digital Marketing Position

Launch Lab Hiring One Digital Marketing Position JOB TITLE: Digital Lead Generator/Website Developer JOB SUMMARY: Reporting to the Director of Marketing, the Digital Lead Generator/Website Developer will be tasked with building and executing marketing/website strategies and campaigns for small businesses…

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