Business Area Supported: Intellectual Property

Communitech Pro Squad

The Communitech Pro Squad comprises our in-house trusted business professionals, offering reliable advice to member companies. Avoiding the hassle of…

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Communitech Growth Coaches

Communitech Growth Coaches are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in various competencies. They mentor qualifying startups and scale-ups referred by…

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TechAlliance Meetups

Tech Meetups are designed for founders, tech enthusiasts and professionals in the technology and innovation sector to accelerate professional development,…

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OwnershIP by Innovation Factory is an experiential education program, helping Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) understand your current intellectual property (IP) gaps, and develop a 3-5 year strategy for protecting your IP. 

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Female Founders

Invest Ottawa helped Capital Angel Network launch SheBoot, a women-led boot camp for women-led businesses. SheBoot has since grown into a National not-for-profit with the goal to help scalable technology and technology-enabled women-led businesses tackle access to capital and mentors. Additionally, Invest Ottawa has programming specifically for female founders including the Ladies Who Launch program.

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IP Ontario

IP Benchmarking

IP benchmarking reports are prepared through an in-depth review of client’s IP resources to provide a better understanding of their…

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IP Ontario

1-on-1 Mentorship

Clients who are interested in IPON’s 1-on-1 mentorship program are matched with mentors who have lived IP and commercialization experience…

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Cleantech Accelerator

Cleantech is a $2.5 Trillion market. The time is now. To be a startup founder requires boundless energy, drive, and passion. We have the experience to help cleantech founders access resources, funding and to develop the necessary partnerships to grow and scale their businesses.

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