Business Area Supported: HR / Teams / Hiring

Communitech Pro Squad

The Communitech Pro Squad comprises our in-house trusted business professionals, offering reliable advice to member companies. Avoiding the hassle of…

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Communitech Growth Coaches

Communitech Growth Coaches are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in various competencies. They mentor qualifying startups and scale-ups referred by…

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TechAlliance Meetups

Tech Meetups are designed for founders, tech enthusiasts and professionals in the technology and innovation sector to accelerate professional development,…

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TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario logo

The Roster

The Roster is the place where job seekers can showcase their skills and employers can stack their pipelines with skilled hires.

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Communitech Outposts

Communitech Outposts simplifies global hiring for Canadian tech companies. This Employer-of-Record service eliminates the complexities of creating new corporate entities…

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MaRS Startup Toolkit

MaRS helps Canada’s most promising founders build successful companies. Explore advice, lessons and tips from our community of entrepreneurs and operators. Explore…

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Entrepreneurship 101

An award-winning masterclass to help you launch a startup. Created for aspiring founders who want a masterclass in entrepreneurship, this…

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GROW Accelerator

A 12-week journey that helps tech and tech-enabled startups by providing coaching, access to expertise, and connections to bring them…

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Amplify by Launch Lab

Slightly different from our standard Entrepreneur-In-Residence (EIR) program, Amplify is a program where EIRs nominate clients that show signs of…

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Beyond Boundaries

The Business Accelerator for Women Entrepreneurs Beyond Boundaries is a 10-week virtual accelerator program in Halton Region aimed to advance women’s…

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