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Women in Tech Spotlight: Sindhura Yalamanchili

The first entry in our new Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent Women in Tech Spotlight Series.

1. Introduce yourself and your position in the tech industry.

A: Hi! I am Sindhura Yalamanchili, a Software Developer at Rocket Innovation Studio, Windsor – Ontario.

2. How many years have you worked in the field?

A: I’ve been in the Tech Industry for about 5 years now.

3. What made you choose a career in the tech industry?

A: I am a problem solver. I was looking for a place where my solutions will make lives easier, and technology was the obvious answer.

4. What do you love most about your current job/role?

A: At Rocket Innovation Studio, we follow some philosophies called isms.

My favorites ones are:

“We’ll figure it out”

“Do the right thing”

“Every client. Every time. No exceptions. No excuses.”

A problem can be solved in multiple ways, but sometimes it takes time to do it the right way and having that time and trust from the leaders to provide our users with the best experience is what I love the most about my role.

5. What should we be telling younger generations of women who are interested in working in tech?

A: “Ignore the noise.” “Be obsessed with finding a better way.”

Paying a deaf ear to stereotypes and developing curiosity to learn along with an ability to speak up is what keeps you going not just in tech but in any profession.

6. What role can male team members play to best support their female peers in the business and tech world?

A: In general, any team member be it male or female can let their peers express their opinion on something. They can also aid them in solutioning the problem out instead of curbing the idea at the root level.

7. How can women take action and ownership of their professional futures?

A: Strongly believing in their abilities and never refraining from speaking up whatever it takes to get them to where they want to be. Having a profound understanding of career choice also helps them to shape their career better.

8. What can businesses do to better support and empower their female workers and leaders now?

A: I’ve seen few women hesitating to share their opinions and ideas during brainstorming and technical planning sessions. In order to address such situations, hosting technical conferences and meetings specially for women is going to drive them in the right direction. Having successful women as guest speakers occasionally to talk about their journey can also teach other women how to thrive.

9. What is the best professional advice you’ve ever received?

A: “Never hold back on asking a question however dumb it might sound.”

You would be surprised to see how many people in the room do not know the answer to that or how projects took a u-turn when one right question was asked.

10. What motivates you every day?

A: Having to work on a solution to a new problem or persistently working on an existing problem through which I get to make an impact on the lives of our users.

The post Women in Tech Spotlight: Sindhura Yalamanchili appeared first on WETechAlliance.

Original Article on WETechAlliance

WEtech Alliance has served as a catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent, Ontario regions since 2011. We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

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