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Women in Tech Spotlight: Nisha Krithivasan

The third entry in our new Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent Women in Tech Spotlight Series.

1. Introduce yourself and your position in the tech industry.

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A: I am Nisha Krithivasan, Product Marketing Manager at TekSavvy Solutions Inc.

2. How many years have you worked in the field?

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A: I have over 14 years of advertising and marketing experience across Telcom, Pharma and the CPG industries.

3. What made you choose a career in the tech industry?

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A: The industry is vast, fast-paced and forever evolving. From a marketing perspective, given it is one of the most dynamic industries, there’s so much to learn and it offers up new and amazing opportunities every day to stay relevant and ahead of the curve.

4. What do you love most about your current job/role?

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A: I love the fact that my role has the unique vantage point of having end-to-end visibility across, inside, and outside the company. I get to discuss strategy with the Executive Leadership team, implement the strategy with the various cross-functional teams, listen to the voice of the customer, feel the pulse of the market, and do all of this with an absolute stellar group of people!

5. What should we be telling younger generations of women who are interested in working in tech?

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A: I would just say to go for it! Don’t limit yourself—and try a lot of different things. I often find my female peers intimated trying to find their niche in the tech industry, but there are a lot of different roles and skills needed and so many different things you can do within the industry.

6. What role can male team members play to best support their female peers in the business and tech world?

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A: Unconscious gender bias can exist at every level of an organization. This ‘multi-level’ discrimination hurts organizations by denying women a voice in key decision-making processes. Diverse organizations typically encourage a strong culture of inclusivity. Being self-aware and providing constructing feedback where necessary to female colleagues helps set the tone for the right environment.

7. How can women take action and ownership of their professional futures?

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A: The advice that I would give is the same advice I give myself: trust yourself. Don’t be afraid to take risks, be true to yourself and have the courage to do what you think is right for you. Put yourself forward for those top roles and keep trying until you get there. As a woman you have a lot to offer and if you know you can do the job then do yourself a favor – don’t doubt it, just go for it!

8. What can businesses do to better support and empower their female workers and leaders now?

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A: Show a path forward that is unique to each employee, provide constructive feedback and support a work-life balance.

9. What is the best professional advice you’ve ever received?

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A: Never stop asking questions. This advice has guided me through my transition into tech and my current role. Asking questions means that I’m learning and adapting which has helped me navigate an industry that’s constantly changing.

10. What motivates you every day?

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A: When I think about what drives me, it is to challenge the status quo. I see the difference in companies that support a diverse and inclusive culture. I have been fortunate to have had strong advocates around me who have guided me in my career. When I feel too comfortable, I use that as an opportunity to move out of my comfort zone and discover growth.

The post Women in Tech Spotlight: Nisha Krithivasan appeared first on WETechAlliance.

Original Article on WETechAlliance

WEtech Alliance has served as a catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent, Ontario regions since 2011. We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

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