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Women in Mobility Spotlight: Nicole Matchett

Tell us a bit about yourself.

A: Hi everyone! My name is Nicole Matchett, and I am the Owner of Taurean EV Charging Solutions Inc. —Windsor-Essex’s first woman-owned and led Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) service. By collaborating with trusted brands and subcontractors, Taurean EV helps facilitate the procurement and installation of affordable, sustainable, cutting-edge commercial and residential EV Chargers. I am passionate about environmental issues and making EVs/PHEVs more accessible. I am an educator, advocate, and mother who is committed to creating a healthier, happier environment. Join us in making the road to our future greener!

What does ‘mobility’ mean to you?

A: Mobility means moving freely with or without the use of some sort of assistive technology, such as cars, wheelchairs, public transit, etc. Mobility = independence.

What motivated you to pursue a career or interest in the mobility industry?

A: My number one motivation for pursuing a career in the mobility industry has been my son. Shortly after giving birth in 2021, I knew I needed to do something more for the environment. I began researching and determined that there was a lack of EV Charging services in Windsor-Essex. We live in a world where vehicles are essential, so why not make the switch to something greener? Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) are the future. They make an essential service cleaner by significantly reducing the detrimental impacts gas-powered vehicles have on the environment. These modes of transportation need to be charged up, so I created Taurean EV to fill the gap and make residential and commercial charging solutions easier and more accessible.

What is your favorite project that you’ve worked on in the industry or classroom?

A: My favourite project to date would have to be the first Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Installation we completed in June 2022. This commercial installation at Naylor’s Kitchen & Bath included 3 Canadian-made dual-head EV Charger pedestals. I partnered with two fantastic local subcontractors to complete the electrical (CNC Electric Inc.) and parking lot painting (Mamba Stripes Corporation). I gained an incredible wealth of knowledge by being able to oversee the entire operation from start to finish. Following the successful installation, I was able to invite the Electric Vehicle Society – Windsor Essex Chapter out to host their monthly event in the parking lot and test out the 6 new EV Chargers. I was able to then connect with the users and hear more about their challenges regarding EVSE Infrastructure and ideas they had to make it better.

Going back to what ‘mobility’ means to you, what do you think is the biggest challenge or obstacle facing the industry today?

A: TI think the biggest challenge that the mobility industry is facing, especially Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption and EVSE Infrastructure, is the lack of education. Many people are still hesitant when it comes to EVs. They have fears regarding range and reliability. Education would be a huge game changer in helping people to become more knowledgeable, comfortable, and interested in making the switch to electric. We also need to be working toward a more diverse representation within the mobility sector. We need to be aware of how mobility impacts everyone so that we can ensure that the industry developments move us ALL forward. We can only achieve real change if everybody’s needs are included.

How do you see the role of women evolving in the mobility industry in the future, and what changes would you like to see?

A:I truly believe we can only keep going up from here. We need to embrace change, creating a much more diverse and inclusive industry. It’s the only way we can progress. I would like to see more women, transgender, non-binary folks, etc. contributing to the growth and development of mobility at all levels.

Can you share any personal experiences or anecdotes that highlight the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in the mobility space?

A: Trade shows, conferences, networking events, the Women Driven Mobility YQG Breakfast, the Women in Mobility Peer Group, etc. have all enabled me to meet and learn from a wide array of brilliant individuals who are passionate about mobility and the role that they play in driving things forward. Each person contributes in a manner that has helped to diversify the mobility space and create new, exciting opportunities.

What advice would you give to young women who are interested in pursuing a career in mobility and/or tech?

A: Go for it! If you want something you just need to take the leap. Expose yourself to anything and everything that you can, ask questions and be open to learning. Embrace change, use your voice, and don’t ever settle. Build yourself up to being the person you want to be and don’t ever let anyone steal your shine and take your confidence away. I come from a very different educational background and with that I bring a wealth of knowledge that is uniquely my own. I can offer the mobility and tech industries something that is different, and although I often feel out of place (imposter syndrome, anyone?), I still show up, learn, cultivate humility, and know who I am which enables me to roll with it all. If you can keep an open mind and explore, you can truly do anything.

Are there any specific resources, organizations, or networks that have been valuable to you in your professional journey within the mobility/tech industry?

A: WETechAlliance, Invest Windsor Essex Automobility and Innovation Centre, St. Clair College, EV Society, the Women in Mobility Peer Group, and Women Driven Mobility: Rethinking the Way the World Moves are just a few of the organizations, resources and networks that have been valuable to me in my professional mobility/tech industry journey this far.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements?

With my focus being EV charging infrastructure, I ensure I am following all the EV Charger manufacturers and automotive companies on the social platforms that I frequent and daily news. I also stay in touch with friends, family and colleagues who work within the industry and share the same passions.

What is one thing that you wish more people knew about the mobility industry, and why?

I wish more people knew the impact that they could have on the ever-changing and growing mobility sector. It is so much larger than I could have ever imagined. The opportunities are endless, and more voices need to be heard from different people who prioritize different things.


WEtech Alliance has served as a catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent, Ontario regions since 2011. We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

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