Home  »  Windsor-Essex “Canada’s Automobility Capital” on the world stage at the 2022 North American International Auto Show

Windsor-Essex “Canada’s Automobility Capital” on the world stage at the 2022 North American International Auto Show

About Invest WindsorEssex (IWE)
Invest WindsorEssex is the lead economic development agency for the Windsor-Essex region. The focus of the organization is to develop and execute strategies to retain, expand, attract and help new businesses start-up in Windsor-Essex. Invest WindsorEssex is led by a board of distinguished community leaders. A team of professional staff provides assistance with location and investment decisions by working one-on-one with businesses to facilitate the process of starting, growing or locating a business in Windsor-Essex. InvestWindsorEssex.com

About FedDev Ontario
For 13 years, the Government of Canada, through FedDev Ontario, has worked to advance and diversify the southern Ontario economy through funding opportunities and business services that support innovation, growth and job creation in Canada’s most populous region. The Agency has delivered impressive results, which can be seen in southern Ontario businesses that are creating innovative technologies, improving productivity, growing revenues, creating jobs, and in the economic advancement of communities across the region. Learn more about the impacts the Agency is having in southern Ontario by exploring our pivotal projects, our Southern Ontario Spotlight, and FedDev Ontario’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

About the University of Windsor
The University of Windsor is a regionally focused, globally connected comprehensive university.  Annually, more than 16,000 students pursue their educational and personal goals across a range of undergraduate, graduate and professionally accredited programs that are offered across eight faculties: Engineering, Science, Law, Business, Human Kinetics, Nursing, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Education. With long-standing and demonstrated excellence in automotive research, the University of Windsor is home to some of the most innovative research and expertise in areas such as cybersecurity, autonomous and connected vehicles, electric motors and propulsion systems, fuels and emissions, safety, ergonomics, vehicle light weighting, new materials, sensors and more. Our internationally recognized researchers offer a wide range of expertise in supporting research collaborations through access to expertise, talent, and infrastructure. uwindsor.ca

About St. Clair College
St. Clair College is a postsecondary institution that provides higher education for approximately 14,000 full time students. Students study in a wide variety of disciplines, achieving advanced diplomas, diplomas, and degrees in Health Sciences, Engineering Technologies, Skilled Trades, Business & Information Technology, Media Arts & Design, Community Studies, and Social Justice and Legal Studies. St. Clair College is renowned for its teaching excellence in the allied health fields, educating the largest number of health care students in the province. Advanced manufacturing facilities, in the Ford Centre for Excellence in Manufacturing, provide world-class training in a wide variety of technology and trades careers. stclaircollege.ca

About WETechAlliance
WETechAlliance is one of seventeen Regional Innovation Centres, funded by the Province of Ontario, serving the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent regions. We provide entrepreneurs with business services, training, IP and commercialization supports, talent supports, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation. WETechAlliance has served as the catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent regions since 2011. wetech-alliance.com

About Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island
Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island is the official Destination Marketing Organization for the regional tourism industry. We are a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting and selling Windsor, Essex and Pelee Island as a remarkable destination for tourists, convention goers and business travelers. We are the leading tourism industry collaborative committed to enhancing the region’s economy and quality of life by (1) Supporting industry development and individual operators; (2) Actively facilitating partner engagement; (3) Effectively marketing our destination. For more information go to visitwindsoressex.com and visit our social media sites Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

WEtech Alliance has served as a catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent, Ontario regions since 2011. We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

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