Home  »  TechAlliance Challenges Innovators to Strengthen the Well-Being of Small Business 

TechAlliance Challenges Innovators to Strengthen the Well-Being of Small Business 

TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario is launching the second London Innovation Challenge, a London Community Recovery Network project funded by the City of London, to accelerate and scale select London-developed solutions to address the recovery in areas of focus identified by the London community – Investing in People, Driving Prosperity and Fostering Community.

The second London Innovation Challenge  is seeking London innovators to develop a sustainable technology solution to address a new challenge facing our community. Three recipients will win $20,000 in funding each plus custom business advisory services through Techalliance’s Startup Advisors and Venture Growth team. 

Challenge 2: Strengthen Business Health is now accepting applications. Innovators will address the challenge of supporting small businesses, including culture and tourism-based operators focused on safe post-pandemic environments, and marketing initiatives – allowing these businesses to adapt to changing consumer behaviors to advance the prosperity of London’s economy. Applications will be open until December 3, 2021, and successful recipients will be announced on December 15th, 2021. 

“As London continues to rebuild and prosper, we recognize small businesses require an innovative response from our technology community”, said Christina Fox, CEO of TechAlliance. “TechAlliance’s London Innovation Challenge opens the door for innovators with disruptive, vibrant, and creative ideas providing small businesses solutions to advance their recovery.” 

“The London Innovation Challenge showcases the unique ways that the tech and innovation community is directly contributing to the economic recovery and transformation of London” said City of London Mayor, Ed Holder. 

Applications for Challenge 2: Strengthen Business Health, are now open at:  techalliance.ca/LondonInnovationChallenge. 

Original Article on TechAlliance

We are the place for dreamers, innovators, and world-changing ideas. We create an entrepreneurial culture, launch new startups, and accelerate growth for established tech companies, while attracting the next generation of tech talent and innovative entrepreneurs. We connect people and empower talent in Southwestern Ontario. We engineer, level up, catalyze, discover and accelerate our region’s innovation economy.

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