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Tech Companies… WE Want You!

Invest WindsorEssex (IWE) has launched a marketing campaign in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana targeting small to medium-sized technology companies to expand their operations in Canada’s rapidly growing automobility capital.

The campaign, Windsor-Essex: A Bridge to Your Future, showcases the region as a prime location for foreign direct investment as a result of its strategic location, access to world-class talent, quality of life and thriving innovation ecosystem.

The campaign strategy includes videos, social media, billboards, display ads and search engine marketing tactics designed to drive audiences to a landing page (TheFutureIsWe.ca) profiling the Windsor-Essex region’s value proposition and next steps to future expansion.

“The region is on the forefront of technology innovation, and we are opening our doors to opportunities and future partnerships.”

“We are actively calling on forward-thinking technology companies and individuals to expand and invest in Windsor-Essex,” says IWE President & CEO, Stephen MacKenzie. “The region is on the forefront of technology innovation, and we are opening our doors to opportunities and future partnerships. Our strategic location, strong binational talent and support network make Windsor-Essex a top destination for investment.”

As the home of the Canadian Automobility Hub (first-of-its kind in Canada EV ramp-up factory) and the future location of Canada’s first gigafactory (NextStar Energy Inc.), Windsor-Essex is quickly becoming one of the nation’s leaders in innovation and technology in the automobility space and beyond. Located at the United States-Canada border in the heart of the richest consumer market in the world, Windsor-Essex provides access to talent and trade from Canada and across the globe.

Windsor-Essex is putting a direct call out to businesses and individuals in the United States to cross into Canada’s innovation hub — a bridge to future expansion and endless opportunities.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of just a few such examples of companies that we work with, that now call Windsor-Essex home.

Rocket Innovation Studio & Edison Financial 

Description: Rocket Innovation Studio: Rocket Innovation Studio recruits and mentors top technology talent across Canada. Founded in 2019 and located in Windsor’s historic Old Fish Market building, the technology incubator supports the growing need for technology talent within Rocket Companies®.

Description Edison Financial: Edison is a Windsor, Ontario-based digital mortgage firm using Lendesk’s Spotlight as its lender submission platform. The company was founded in 2019 with the goal of giving Canadian home buyers a friendly, transparent and convenient mortgage experience.

Website: edisonfinancial.ca & rocketinnovationstudio.ca

Reason(s) for location: Proximity to Detroit, Affordability, Talent, Partners and Opportunity for Growth. 

News Headline(s): Edison Financial looking to double Windsor workforce by year’s endQuicken Loans bringing first Canadian office to downtown Windsor,  Why Windsor?

Vehiqilla Inc.

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Description:  Vehiqilla Inc. was founded in 2017, headquartered in Burlington, Ont., and specializes in providing consulting services globally in automotive cybersecurity cluster.

Website: vehiqilla.com 

Reason(s) for location: “Free access to Canada’s largest, publicly accessible, Virtual Reality CAVE. This CAVE access will enable Vehiqilla Inc. to continue to advance its competitive strengths in automotive cybersecurity.”

News Headline(s): Automotive cybersecurity company moving its headquarters to Windsor-Essex

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Description: The Unreserved technology platform is paving the way for a transparent way to buy and sell homes allowing buyers to bid on homes in a real-time online auction environment, removing blind-bidding and bully offers from the equation. In addition, Unreserved is a full-service auction company, offering staging, marketing, and promotion to attract qualified buyers and interested sellers.

Website: unreserved.com

Reason(s) for location: “Windsor is a key market for us as we expand our presence in Ontario and throughout Canada,” O’Connor says. “Local home buyers and sellers have been hurt by a lack of transparency in the residential real estate market because so many aspects of pricing and transactions are kept hidden from them. Our approach is about openness through technology that empowers everyone to have full information to make informed decisions. This is the future of the real estate industry, and we are proud to bring it to Windsor.”

News Headline(s): Real Estate Pioneer Unreserved Expands Fully Transparent Listing and Sales Platform to Windsor Market 

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Description: Computer Vision Platform For Manufacturing.

Website: i-5o.ai

Reason(s) for location: “Windsor’s location, access to a lucrative and sophisticated North American manufacturing market and depth of highly-skilled technical talent are being credited with convincing founders of a Silicon Valley-based company to open an office in the region.”

News Headline(s): Windsor Location Attracts Silicon Valley Tech Company

Gaia Digits

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Description: GaiaDigits is an international provider of workforce management (WFM), Workspace Management (WPM), and Sales Performance Management (SPM) solutions in the global B2B market. We are proud to be a fast-growing and multi-national company, with diverse cultures, healthy working environment and balanced work and life.

Website: gaiadigits.com/

Reason(s) for location: Market expansion opportunities

News Headline(s):  Meet Our Incubators: GaiaDigits 

Soothsayer Analytics

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Description: Soothsayer Analytics helps dozens of Fortune 1000, Global 2000 and forward-thinking mid-market companies leverage data science to explain the unknown, predict the future, and optimize their business.

Website: soothsayeranalytics.com

Reason(s) for location: “Recognizing that Canada is undergoing a major digital transformation, Soothsayer cannot imagine a better place for expansion. Our highly unique abilities in advanced analytics and artificial intelligence will provide an unparalleled offering to companies looking for a competitive edge in the Canadian market, and we look forward to collaborating with local companies to build world-class solutions to complex and meaningful problems.” – Gaurav Agrawal, CEO of Soothsayer Analytics.

News Headline(s): ICT Company Soothsayer Analytics Expands to Windsor-Essex

Research Into Internet System Inc. (RIIS)

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Description: Research Into Internet System Inc. is headquartered in Troy, MI, USA and specializes in providing smart solutions in emerging technologies: drones, artificial intelligence and machine learning globally in manufacturing, agricultural, construction, healthcare industries to help companies and organizations to optimize their products and processes.

Website: riis.com

Reason(s) for location: “I’m extremely proud and excited to announce that our Canadian headquarters will be officially opening soon in Windsor-Essex. As RIIS continues to grow, it became obvious that the Windsor-Essex area would be ideal for a number of reasons, most importantly due to the wealth of talented people in the workforce here. All of us at RIIS look forward to being members of this outstanding community for many years to come. – Godfrey Nolan, President and CEO, RIIS Inc.

News Headline(s): IT Solutions Company Chooses Windsor-Essex for Canadian HQ

The post Tech Companies… WE Want You! appeared first on WETechAlliance.

WEtech Alliance has served as a catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent, Ontario regions since 2011. We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

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