Home  »  SWTCH Energy achieves OCPP 2.0.1 certification for its turnkey EV charging solutions – Innovation Factory

SWTCH Energy achieves OCPP 2.0.1 certification for its turnkey EV charging solutions – Innovation Factory

SWTCH Energy has become one of only two North American EV charging software services that have achieved OCPP 2.0.1 certification for CSMS with the Open Charge Alliance (OCA).

After a thorough verification process to ensure full compliance with the standard, the OCA, a global organization dedicated to the development and adoption of open, accessible, and cooperative EV charging networks, granted SWTCH certification in June 2024. It’s a mark of the SWTCH network meeting the latest and best standards for compatibility, security, and interoperability in the EV charging industry.

OCPP-certified companies are considered the standard bearers for open charging and contributors to the mission of delivering more accessible, affordable, and convenient charging services to people around the world. OCPP certification is the leading standard for open charging in more than 50 countries globally. Today, OCPP 2.0.1 certification is also a prerequisite for eligibility for funding via the $5 billion National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) and $2.5 billion Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) programs.

Some of the benefits of achieving OCPP certification include:

  • Interoperability between SWTCH’s solutions and other EV charging providers
  • Improved security against cyber attacks
  • Broader language support and enhanced notifications

See a more comprehensive list of capabilities associated with OCPP certification here.

“We’re tremendously excited to receive our OCPP 2.0.1 certification. It’s an important standard for a new era of smarter charging and rapid growth in the EV market, and one we’re proud to build our network upon,” said Jing Guo, Head of Product at SWTCH. “We’re sincerely grateful to the Open Charge Alliance for its collaboration and intend to continue leading the way toward a more open era of EV charging for all.”

SWTCH received full certification for the previous version of OCPP, v.1.6.1, in 2023 and will continue to be an active contributor to and advocate of the OCPP standard going forward.

Learn more about SWTCH here. Connect with us to get started on your journey with CITM.

Innovation Factory

Innovation Factory is a business accelerator, dedicated to helping Ontario-based businesses launch, scale, and succeed. We provide start-ups, and scaling companies with advisory services, training, mentorship, and strategic connections to help bring disruptive technologies to market, leverage intellectual property, increase revenues, attract investment and create jobs. Serving as the catalyst for tech innovation in the greater Hamilton area since 2011 we are driven to help: Entrepreneurs bring new ideas to life and to market Small/Medium Enterprises (SMEs) get to the next level Hamilton build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation Innovation can happen anywhere. Our goal is to make it work everywhere. We work to elevate key industry sectors including, advanced manufacturing, clean tech, information technology, integrated mobility, life sciences & health care and social innovations.

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