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Sandbox Spirit of Service Squad (SBX SoSs)

Spirit of Service

SBX Spirit of Service squad (SBX SoSs) is a panel of industry professionals that want to share their expertise; tailored to your business. Through our SBX SoSs Intake Form you can self-identify your desired support from our matrix of 13 areas of need. The squad then reviews your intake form and we pull in industry experts who can support your top 2-4 areas of need for your scheduled session.

All SBX Members in any industry, at any stage or size of company are welcome to submit an intake form.

SBX SoSs is led by the Sandbox Team and fractional CFO Mark DesLauriers. If you’re a SBX Member who is interested in being a supporting industry professional to give back to the SBX Community – reach out to the Sandbox Team. From time-to-time SBX SoSs may include industry professionals from outside the immediate SBX Community where unique expertise, discretion and privacy are paramount.

SBX Spirit of Service squad (SBX SoSs) is a panel of industry professionals that want to share their expertise; tailored to your business.

This resource is provided by
Sandbox Centre
24 Maple Ave. 2nd Floor
Barrie, ON
L4M 7W4
All Welcome
Not Sector specific
Area of Business Supported

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