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ProtoZone Program

Trailblazer and ProtoZone logo

So you have an innovative idea! Now all you need is to get made. That’s not a simple task but luckily for you, the ProtoZone program is here to help you get started with a prototype. It starts by looking at the viability of your idea, both from a customer perspective and scalability perspective, and ends with a physical prototype being produced. The focus of the program is to support innovative product development and commercialization by providing the right technical and business support, ensuring product-market fit throughout the product development process, and assisting innovative entrepreneurs and small businesses with the costs associated with successful product development

How Does The ProtoZone Program Work?

Taking that napkin sketch and using it to create a prototype may seem like a logical choice for many but there’s more to it than that! The ProtoZone program will give you a crash course in product and business development, a crucial new product assessment, and funding and assistance towards the design and development of your prototype.


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P7C 4W1
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