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Lions Lair Pitch Competition

This annual event is more than just a pitch competition. Participants participate in training to craft their pitch, and more importantly their business plan. Each company meets first with our pillars of business “Lions” to be evaluated across 3 areas.

Growth Readiness – Participants and judged on their plan for scaling their sales, marketing and customer acquisition plan.

Legal Readiness – Has the company thought thru the legal aspects of their business. From partner agreements to Intellectual property.

Business Readiness – Does the company know what they need to be ready for business. From taxation when selling abroad, to corporate structure. In many cases having your “house in order” will be key to future VC funding or acquisition.

After being scored across those business areas, each company will face off in front of the Investor Lions. The Investor Lions are chosen from our investment community, and after hearing their pitches and reviewing each readiness scorecard, will choose a winner of our grand prizes.

This resource is provided by
Innovation Factory
B21 - 175 Longwood Rd. S.
Hamilton, ON
L8P 0A1
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