Business Area Supported: Product Development

Communitech Pro Squad

The Communitech Pro Squad comprises our in-house trusted business professionals, offering reliable advice to member companies. Avoiding the hassle of…

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Communitech Growth Coaches

Communitech Growth Coaches are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in various competencies. They mentor qualifying startups and scale-ups referred by…

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Communitech Good AI

The Communitech Good AI program empowers founders to prioritize ethical principles in their AI products. With industry experts, participants shape…

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TechAlliance Meetups

Tech Meetups are designed for founders, tech enthusiasts and professionals in the technology and innovation sector to accelerate professional development,…

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Accelerate AI

Funded by ScaleAI, ventureLAB’s Accelerate AI is a free comprehensive 6 months program for startups that are working to solve…

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Next Level

Next Level is a grant program for businesses looking to access new markets. Eligible expenses include marketing, equipment and late-stage…

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OVIN Demonstration Zone

Driving Innovations – OVIN Demonstration Zone – Test and demonstrate your Automotive and Smart Mobility solutions at OVIN Demonstration Zone…

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