News from across the Regional Innovation Centres

We have gathered news from all the regional innovation centres (RICs) in Ontario. Be sure to connect with your local RIC to be a part of your local ecosystem.

Boundless Accelerator Releases 2023-24 Annual Report

We are thrilled to present the Boundless Accelerator™ 2023-24 Annual Report! This comprehensive document showcases our contributions to building a strong, inclusive, equitable, and sustainable economy throughout southern Ontario and beyond. Inside, you’ll find impactful statements, program highlights, client success…

Xatoms, Juno win big at Startupfest 2024 

As Startupfest 2024 draws to a close, five startups are walking away with a collective $785,000 in potential investment. The festival officially wrapped its 14th year in Montréal’s Grand Quay…(Read more). Written by Isabelle KirkwoodPublished on July 12, 2024Originally published by Betakit…

Ask a Founder Series: Hamid Alemohammad, COO and Co-Founder of Brickeye

originally published: 2024-07-22 16:53:49 Hamid Alemohammad, COO and Co-Founder of Brickeye, recently shared his entrepreneurial journey and insights during the “Ask A Founder” session hosted by Altitude Accelerator. The session provided lessons learned, practical advice, and personal anecdotes for aspiring…

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