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Looking Forward – Spark Centre

It’s a new year, a new decade and we’re heading into 2020, full throttle!

In 2019, we focused on building community, collaboration and expanding our global reach and 2020 is no different.

Later this month, we will be welcoming our second cohort of international businesses through our newly launched Pioneer Program – a two-week program that is designed to introduce immigrating start-ups to doing business in Canada. We have one cohort scheduled every other month for the remainder of the year. With the ever-expanding global network in Durham Region, we are thrilled to become known as a hub of technology and innovation around the world.

Community is always top of mind and this year we are continuing to build this through collaborations with our local partners. We are excited to support our friends at GeekSpeak on their upcoming hackathon, HackforGood: #BodyHack. We’re currently working with the creative industry and have signed on to support the Oshawa Music Awards as a means to showcase and highlight innovation in the music industry. And we are once again partnering with the Business Advisory Centre Durham to prepare for Do It In Durham 2020.

These are only a few of the things that keep us busy here at Spark Centre. 2020 is poised to be a year of goal setting and goal crushing as we work to support and grow Durham Region’s entrepreneurial community.

Spark Centre
Helping innovative companies start, grow and succeed. Spark Commercialization and Innovation Centre is one of eighteen not-for-profit Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) that form part of the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE). The centre works to improve competitiveness and visibility of Durham Region and Northumberland County as a world-class innovation cluster. Spark Centre works with clients to develop individualized plans for success. We connect start-ups to business and research networks, learning tools, business coaching, mentorship, and access to funding and investment.

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