Photo courtesy of Bruce Outridge.
Season seven of Inspiring Youth is talking about some big issues and technology is integrated in all of our lives. Bruce Outridge of YourTV Halton visited TechPlace to talk technology and business with Bilqees who is investing in tech for her next product. He also sat down with the Haltech team to chat about artificial intelligence and get their thoughts on the future. Watch the previews below from their YouTube channel and visit their channel for more content such as bloopers and more. Watch the full show on YourTV on Tuesday nights at 7:30pm.
Promo of episode
Young people and artificial intelligence
The show is hosted by media entrepreneur Bruce Outridge as he talks with ambitious youth in the transportation industry and the different jobs available for youth. You can learn more about Bruce, the show, and program at Inspiring Youth TV at or on YourTV/InspiringYouth.
The post Inspiring Youth Talks Tech and AI with Haltech appeared first on Haltech.
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