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Industry Opportunity Forum

About the Greenhouse Technology Network

The GTN is a consortium of research-focused centres led by Niagara College that helps small- and medium-sized businesses in southern Ontario ACCESS research expertise and facilities, DERISK innovation with 1:1 match funding, SOLVE greenhouse and related technology challenges, and GROW their business.

Since April 2021, GTN members have solved challenges for industry partners through applied research projects that support (a) greenhouse production (including trials, testing, development of tools, equipment, techniques, methods, or processes), (b) value-added strategies and improvements to business sustainability, and (c) business growth in new markets. Applications for GTN funding are online, ongoing, and non-competitive. greenhousetechnetwork.ca

About Canada’s Centre of Excellent in Next Generation Networks

CENGN helps small and medium-sized Canadian technology companies accelerate their commercialization efforts by giving them no-cost access to our multi-cloud commercial-grade computing and networking testbed and Living Labs to run projects that accelerate their commercialization efforts. These efforts are bolstered by the support and expertise of CENGN’s project management, engineering, and marketing teams, to ensure project success.


Additionally, to assist with the talent shortage, CENGN Academy training program has been designed to provide the cloud computing skills most sought after by today’s leading-edge telecom and tech industries. With a particular focus on open-source intelligent networking technologies, CENGN Academy training courses provide benefits and opportunities for both individuals and organizations.


About The Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation

The Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation (SONAMI) is a network aimed at helping manufacturers and innovation-based businesses overcome innovation challenges, and is funded through FedDev Ontario. Through the network, businesses partner with post-secondary institutions who support their technology development project, leading to successful outcomes in less time and with less strain on their resources. Businesses accessing the SONAMI network may even reduce project costs by up to 50%. Companies approach the network with a concept and/or challenge, then researchers develop and test innovative solutions that meet the manufacturer’s requirements. The network provides a 1-to-1 match for company cash and in-kind contributions. This reduces overall project costs by up to 50% and helps more manufacturers participate. sonamiontario.ca

WEtech Alliance has served as a catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent, Ontario regions since 2011. We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

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