Home  »  Harvest Algoma relaunches with a new look

Harvest Algoma relaunches with a new look

By Mike McDonald and Dan Bertrand, CTV News Northern Ontario

Jan. 17, 2024 7:29 p.m. EST (Updated Jan. 18, 2024 12:08 p.m. EST)

Harvest’s general manager told CTV News they wanted a logo that better reflects the work the agency does.

That general manager is Jane McGoldrick, who was once the head chef of Harvest Algoma when it was under the United Way.

“We just wanted to give a refresh and come up with something that was creative and that kind of encompassed all of our vision as to what we see Harvest moving forward,” said McGoldrick.

“I love the new logo, I think it encompasses all of that. We got the rising sun in there, we got the farm, we got the connection to the land.”

The GM said there are many projects on the go at the agency, including a revamp of the kitchen facilities along with strengthening community partnerships – but stressed that Harvest Algoma’s mission of getting food to hungry people hasn’t changed.

“We don’t want to recreate services,” said McGoldrick.

“We’re not here to do a better job or the same job as Salvation Army, St. Vincent’s Place, the Soup Kitchen – but our role is to really, one, get the food up to the north, funnel it to those agencies that need it and so everybody can have access to good food.”

SSMIC officials said the agency is still actively fundraising as well.

“We have our ‘Trails to Table’ dinner event,” said McGoldrick.

“(It) is a five-course tasting menu, and an outdoor appetizer buffet, hosted at the beautiful Stokely Creek Lodge in Goulais River, and that’s one the 27th of January.”

Volunteers and staff at Harvest Algoma including McGoldrick said food prices are still impacting the agency’s operations, along with other local groups tasked with feeding the hungry. However, the GM added community support has remained strong and donations continue to come in.


View the original article on CTV News Northern Ontario here.

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Trails to Table: Fundraiser Feast for Harvest Algoma!

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