ORIGINAL ARTICLE, William Johnson, vantechjournal.com, January 10, 2022
7,500 startups applied. Meet the seven locals that got in.
(Including iF client Nuport.io)
Five years ago, Erik Torenberg found himself between gigs. The San Francisco-based entrepreneur had recently finished a two-year stint at ProductHunt, the popular product surfacing website, where he was a member of the founding team. He wanted to find others in the same “searching for something” boat, so he started organizing dinner parties to bring these types of people together. He also developed a phrase to describe this period in one’s life—the on deck state—when you’re in between things or thinking of leaving your job or starting something new. He built a community to help people navigate this time, help them find co-founders and evaluate their ideas. Fittingly, he called it On Deck.
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