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Driftscape launches 50 tours of public art for the City of Toronto

Driftscape, a location-aware discovery app, has released more than 50 audio tours for the City of Toronto as part of the City’s ArtworxTO initiative, a year-long celebration of public art.

The Driftscape team developed the tours in collaboration with the City of Toronto, local artists and several community arts groups. Each tour offers users audio, video, image and text profiles of the City's sculptural and mural landscape, placing a powerful tool in the hands of locals and tourists interested in learning more about what they are seeing, and rediscovering the city through the lens of public art. Driftscape users will also find four gamified experiences that take you on a scavenger hunt of the City’s public art.

Driftscape’s work with the ArtworxTO program was recently profiled at TedX McGill. To read more about this feature, click here.

In addition to the public art tours of Toronto, Driftscape hosts content developed in collaboration with over 50 local partners across Canada. This content provides users with a rich experience at their fingertips as they search for events, tours and points of interest in arts, history, culture and a host of other topics. Driftscape has enjoyed an impressive expansion during the pandemic as users sought outdoor experiences. Already offering audio tours and other immersive content coast to coast in Canada, the company has recently expanded into the northeast U.S.

Driftscape has quickly grown to become one of Canada’s leading discovery apps serving communities across the country. Backed by proprietary technology, and with growth funding from BDC, the tool allows destinations to promote themselves to users anywhere and, through augmented reality, provides a rich on-site experience for travellers and locals alike, on both iOS and Android platforms. The mobile app provides users with an enriched experience as they explore neighbourhoods, connecting them with curated stories about arts and events, points of interest, key attractions and local businesses.

Founders Chloe Doesburg and Dan Pronovost see a bright future for the company with growing interest in autonomous travel and heightened awareness of the power of mobile technology. Driftscape's robust ad-free platform now offers more than 7,000 points of interest, and has a growing roster of Indigenous communities looking for innovative ways to reach audiences and attract interest.

The Driftscape app has particularly become more relevant during the pandemic, helping events and organizations digitize and thrive in a challenging environment. As for most businesses, the onset of COVID-19 presented significant challenges for Driftscape. After exploring a variety of new avenues, Driftscape added new features designed specifically to support local businesses, and to encourage locals to get out and rediscover their own backyards. Today Driftscape is a powerful tool that municipalities, and tourism and cultural organizations can use to empower their visitors to explore independently, and find the best of what’s nearby.

Contact the Driftscape team to explore the ways we can help you to bring your community to the world! For more information contact [email protected] or visit http://www.driftscape.com | Facebook - @DriftscapeApp | Twitter - @DriftscapeApp | Instagram - @driftscapeapp.

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