originally published: 2022-03-22 11:04:34
Collaboration and networking within business are integral to the long-term growth of your startup incubator.
Understanding who and where your local community of founders are is always the best place to start.
Here is a list of communities to connect you with other founders in the Peel Region. Create your dreams of a startup accelerator with the support of community entrepreneurship.
Connect, collaborate, scale and succeed as a founder with the Startup Community Peel, a grassroots driven movement in Peel.
Made up of entrepreneurs, technologists, designers and intrapreneurs, this local organization’s mission is to get people together and to support one another.
Innovation and learning are at the forefront of people’s interests, as both seasoned and budding entrepreneurs gather to share resources and wisdom on the road to success. The core belief is “starting up is hard and we all succeed by working together.”
ICUBE UTM is a campus early-stage startup accelerator for student entrepreneurship.
It is the home of social entrepreneurship at the University of Toronto, empowering change-makers to innovate, collaborate and explore together.
This community offers co-working spaces, workshops, mentorship, programs and other resources for budding entrepreneurs that desire to change the world and make a difference.
The Brampton Entrepreneur Centre is a community whose mission it is to help small business owners and entrepreneurs succeed in today’s constantly changing business market.
BEC was developed as a one stop shop for business development information, helping founders propel their ideas forward with ease and assistance.
The organization offers guidance, resources, market research, consultation, business plan reviews, networking opportunities, access to funding opportunities, co-working and much more.
The Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) is providing support for the youth in the York and Peel Region.
Young entrepreneurs are given access to skills and resources to help them excel in their new business ventures.
This particular program is 6-months long, delivered through online workshops and support from other professional business coaches. The goal is to expand student’s existing knowledge, broaden their experience and even gain integral life skills to help them manage and run a business.
The entrepreneurship movement is gaining momentum in various communities and circles, with many budding founders interested in making a profound impact in this world.
Whether you’re just starting out or you are a seasoned entrepreneur, access to professional guidance, business plan reviews, networking opportunities, innovation resources and all-around entrepreneurial support will go a long way to supporting your business ventures.
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