“Be mindful of how you start your day. Make time (can be 15 minutes) to get inspired, grounded and open….it will follow you into your day.”
“Each new year, I jot down three inspiring words at the beginning of a fresh journal and refer back to them each week. This could be something like Growth, Patience and Curiosity. Words that encourage me to tackle new ideas and take bigger risks.”
“Your business is a community; explore what novel stakeholders you need to have belong within it in the new year to fuel growth.”
“Look at what strategies worked for your business in 2022 and what didn’t, and then make a plan for 2023 that addresses both. Moving forward is as much improvement as new tactics.”
“Validate your product and assumptions with your target market before you start selling.”
“Approach whatever you want to do with creativity and curiosity, and just get into action trying things! Thinking too much can just keep you stuck. By simply just ”trying things out,” you will create an opportunity for learning and/or doing things differently.”
“Keep yourself accountable by writing down your goals, and be sure to keep them both reasonable and measurable.”
“If your brand needs to be refreshed for the new year, consider how your branding and logo will hold up over time. A brand that is cutting-edge or super trendy might garner lots of attention now but will look dated quickly, which will make your business seem dated by default. Fresh branding for the new year is great, but keep it timeless, simple and classic!”
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