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Applications open for Cohort 8 of ScaleUP Accelerator

ScaleUP Accelerator seeking high-growth potential tech and innovation-based businesses in Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent

WEtech Alliance is thrilled to announce applications are now open for Cohort 8 of its award-winning ScaleUP Accelerator program supporting growth for tech and innovation-based businesses in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent area. Powered by Libro Credit Union in partnership with Invest WindsorEssex, ScaleUP is designed as a springboard for companies ready to propel themselves to the next level of growth and success in their respective markets.

During the 6-month program, participants will work with a team of dedicated expert growth coaches to refine their business strategies and explore new avenues for expansion. The companies will also receive an opportunity to present during the program’s final Showcase and compete for a grand prize of $20,000.

“ScaleUP is not just a chance to earn a $20,000 capital injection to help ignite growth in your company, it’s a reason to sharpen your pitch game to the level it needs to be to achieve that growth,” says ScaleUP Cohort 7 winner Jordan Goure, Co-Founder and CEO of Picsume. “Since winning our cohort we have leveraged our ScaleUP win in every investor/partner pitch to date, all the while using the tools gained from ScaleUP in those same meetings.”

Key features of the ScaleUP Accelerator program include:

  • Up to 40 hours of mentorship from a roster of seasoned Growth Coaches
  • Access to a wide variety of curated workshops and training sessions
  • The opportunity to network and build strategic partnerships and collaborations
  • Access to WEtech’s wide network of provincial, national and global partners
  • The opportunity to compete for a $20,000 prize

“This year’s ScaleUP program is more robust than ever,” says Adam Castle, Director of Venture Services & Partnerships at WETechAlliance. “Thanks to renewed commitment from Libro Credit Union, we have been able to enhance the program with increased mentorship hours and a longer duration giving participants ample opportunities to dive deep into their business needs and explore new growth strategies.”

The ScaleUP program evolved from the successful StartUP program funded by the Libro Prosperity Fund in 2016. In March 2020, the program was recognized nationally as one of fifteen winners of the Concentra Empowering Your Community Awards.

Now in its eighth cohort, ScaleUP has helped create 188 jobs and has assisted 35 companies in getting 148 new products and services to market, helping to fuel over $26 million dollars in new revenue for participants.

“At Libro, we share WEtech’s passion for fostering entrepreneurship. The ScaleUP Accelerator is a testament to our commitment to help businesses thrive in Southwestern Ontario,” says Lori Atkinson, Regional Manager for Windsor-Essex at Libro Credit Union. “We are proud to support many programs in our region that equip entrepreneurs with the tools and guidance they need to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity.”

The deadline to apply for the eighth ScaleUP cohort is 11:59pm on June 23rd, 2024.

A virtual information session will be held on June 13, 2024, at 12:00 pm.

Company Eligibility:

  • Must be headquartered in Windsor-Essex or Chatham-Kent
  • Must have a product in the market or a new one ready to launch
  • Products or services must be tech or innovation centered
  • Have staff working on the project full time
  • One member of the leadership team must participate in the program and attend all mandatory meetings

Applications, program information, and registration for the info session can be found at www.wetech-alliance.com/scaleup.

WEtech Alliance has served as a catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent, Ontario regions since 2011. We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

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