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Startup intends to fill gap in London film industry

A London startup business will help build the film industry in London and region by providing crews to work on movie shoots.

Broad Films, established by two London film industry professionals, will hire and help train production staff who make movie sets work.

Film crews ready to work in the city will draw filmmakers, meaning more movie and television shows will come to London, said Kelly Peckham, co-founder of Broad Films with Michelle Shipley, a Fanshawe College professor teaching film management.

“We will create an industry here in the city. We will train up one good crew and when we get one film under our belt, we hope it will lead to multiple films making London more attractive,” Peckham said…(Read more here)

Originally published by London Free Press
Authored by Norman De Bono
Published on January 4, 2024
Picture credit by Mike Hensen, London Free Press

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