While there are numerous methods for conducting market research, the majority of companies employ one or more of the following five: surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, observation, and field trials. Which tactics you use for your organization will be determined by the sort of data you require and the amount of money you are willing to invest.
You can evaluate a sample group that represents your target market using clear and concise questionnaires. Your results will be more reliable if you choose a bigger sample size.
A moderator guides a group of people through a discussion using a predetermined series of questions or topics. These meetings are held in a neutral setting, usually at a facility with videotaping equipment and a one-way mirror observation room. A focus group normally lasts one to two hours, and balanced results require at least three groups.
Personal interviews, like focus groups, feature unstructured, open-ended inquiries. They normally last about an hour and are usually recorded.
Surveys provide more objective data than focus groups and personal interviews. Personal interviews also usually don’t reflect a substantial enough portion of the population, making the results less reliable. On the other hand, they provide vital insights into client or customer attitudes and are effective ways to uncover challenges connected to the creation of new products or services.
Observation is the best way to study your customers or potential customers in their natural habitat. Sometimes, responses to surveys and interviews are at odds with actual behaviour or thoughts. Observation allows you to learn how customers naturally buy or use a product or service, without the influence of a structured interview or survey. This gives you a more accurate picture of usage habits and behaviours.
Placing a new product in a few locations to gauge customer reaction under real-world selling situations can help you make product changes, pricing adjustments, and better packaging. Small business owners should aim to build relationships with local store owners and websites that can assist them in product testing.
Image credit: Unsplash
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