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RAIN receives $1.8M for Agri-tech programming

January 19, 2023

Sault Ste. Marie ON- Terry Sheehan, Sault Ste. Marie MP and Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor, announced new FedNor spending of $3,172,320 to support five projects including $1.8M to the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre's RAIN (Rural Agri-Innovation Network) division.

“What this funding essentially does is that it gives us grants that we disburse to our small businesses, which are farmers and food processors here in Algoma and across northern Ontario. Each of these projects that we review and look at to approve for funding are either creating a new innovative product on a farm or it’s a food processor that’s doing that work. They have a lot of needs, capital needs, equipment needs to get something started so this allows us to really grow the sector.” - David Thompson, Director of RAIN

Click on image above to watch coverage of the event from CTV News

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The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre (SSMIC) is a non-profit organization that functions as a catalyst for economic development and diversification in the science knowledge-based sectors SSMIC has experts in business development, agriculture, IT, science and technology dedicated to helping you find better solutions. We exist to drive business growth, facilitate research and commercialize it’s technology through partnerships, expert advice, community development, outreach and sector development activities

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