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2SLGBTQ+ Resources


Each June, it’s important for organizations and people with a voice to speak for those who are silenced in the 2SLGBTQ+ community. While it’s important to acknowledge the many brilliant people who identify with and are allies to the community, we want to take it a step further. That’s why we curated this blog post to connect entrepreneurs, business do-ers, change makers, and everyone in between with meaningful resources with a mission this June.

Corporate Workshops:

Egale (Canada)

  • Egale is a national organization that educates and advocates for the LGBTQI2S community, and also provides inclusivity training for organizations and schools.
  • Education Includes:
    • Workplace Inclusion for Gender and Sexual Diversity
  • https://egale.ca/training-workshops/workshops-workplaces/

The 519 (Toronto)

  • The 519 provides a range of services from counselling and queer parenting resources to coming out groups, trans programming, and senior’s support. They also provide free, accommodating and non-judgemental space where individuals, organizations and non-profit groups can meet, organize and work towards their goals.
  • Workshops Offered
    • Corporate, Non-Profit, Charity Workshops
    • Staff Workshops
    • Student Workshops
    • Parent Workshops
    • Summer Camp Workshops
    • Panels
  • https://www.the519.org/education-training/services

Pride at Work Canada

  • Founded in 2008, Pride at Work Canada empowers Canadian employers to build workplaces that are inclusive to employees of all gender expressions, gender identities, and sexual orientations. They coordinate events, workshops, and resources that can help employers create more inclusive environments. They also host LGBTQ2+ Women’s Networking Breakfasts across the country.
  • Workplace Audit
    • Pride at Work Canada’s Workplace Audit is a uniquely Canadian tool designed to help organizations track their diversity and inclusion efforts in a comprehensive fashion with respect to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • https://prideatwork.ca/programs

Hotline & Support:


  • Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.
  • Microgrants for name changes and legal documents
  • https://translifeline.org/microgrants/#faq

LGBT Youthline (Ontario)

  • A peer support service offered through telephone, texting, and live chat for 2SLGBTQ youth up to age 29. All volunteers are trained peer supporters ages 16-29 with a diversity of 2SLGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences.
  • Live chat, text, & call
  • https://www.youthline.ca/

Rainbow Health Ontario

  • “Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) is a province-wide program of Sherbourne Health that works to promote the health of Ontario’s LGBT2SQ communities and improve their access to services. RHO creates resources, provides information and consultation services, delivers education and training, and supports research to develop evidence-based practice and informed public policy.”
  • https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca

Business Related:



  • Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce The CGLCC has been building links between LGBT+ businesses in Canada and the wider business community since 2003. It helps LGBT+ entrepreneurs thrive by offering opportunities for access, engagement, visibility, and specialized support. It is also the certifying body for LGBT+ businesses in Canada. Every year, the CGLCC hosts a LGBT+ Business Summit that brings together business owners, corporate leaders, young entrepreneurs, government and academia to connect, and develop and share knowledge.
  • https://www.cglcc.ca


  • QueerTech is an online community that aims to help LGBTQ people get jobs in technology or launch tech ventures. They host events and workshops for their community to network and share their learnings, including PrideHacks, an annual hackathon bringing LGBTQ2S+ people together from Montreal’s tech ecosystem.

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